The full form of (GRE) is Graduate record examinations. It is a standard test that is taken for admissions requirement for many graduate schools in the United States and Canada and other few countries. GRE measures the overall academic readiness of a candidate who wants to attend the graduate school.
GRE exam is scheduled multiple times in a year. GRE Subject Tests are only extended to physics , chemistry, Psychology and mathematics.
The exam pattern for GRE :- verbal reasoning, quantitative reasoning and analytical writing skills.
This test is about 3 hours and 45 minutes.

Types of GRE exam ?
There are 2 types of GRE tests :-
General test(GRE)
Subject test (GRE)

GRE exam fees :- US $213 = 17,394.11 Indian Rupee.

GRE slot booking:-
GRE Exam Slot Booking: The GRE slot booking is the process of GRE exam registration. The GRE slot booking consists of three fine steps:
1.GRE Registration
2.GRE Exam Dates
3.GRE Test Centres

Sections of GRE exam :-
1. Verbal Reasoning:-
i) It asses Reading Comprehension, Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence.
ii) Each section consists of 20 questions
iii) 20 questions – 6 text completion, 4 sentence equivalence, and 10 critical reading questions.

2. Quantitative Reasoning:-
i) It asses basic high-school level mathematical knowledge and reasoning skills.
ii) Consists of 20 questions :- 8 quantitative comparisons, 9 problem solving items, and 3 data interpretation questions.

3. Analytical Writing :-
i) It consists of 2 different essays :- issue task, argument task.
ii) In issue task you would need to construct your own argument.
iii) In argument task you would need to evaluate someone else’s argument.
iv) You will use a basic word processor developed by ETS to type your essay responses. (only insert text, delete text, cut-and-paste and undo the previous action)

The full form of (GMAT) is graduate management admission test. It assess our analytical, verbal and writing skills and problem solving abilities. It is a multiple choice computer based standardized test. It is the top most exam taken to get into your preferred business school.
This test is for people who are applying for management/business programs (MBA etc.)
GMAT exam pattern :-
i) Quantitative , ii) verbal iii) integrated reasoning and iv) analytical writing assessment.

GMAT Exam fees :- US $275 (INR 22,456.91)

Sections of GMAT:-

1. Quantitative Reasoning:-
i) In this section you would have 31 questions
ii) It consists of 2 problem types:- data sufficiency, problem solving.
iii) 13-14 (data sufficiency questions)
iv) 17-18(problem solving questions)
v) This section will test your mathematic knowledge and reasoning skills.

2. Verbal Reasoning :-
i) In this section you would have 36 questions.
ii) It consists of 3 problem types:- critical reasoning, sentence correction, reading comprehension.
iii) It will test your command of standard written english
iv) To check your ability to read critically.

3. Integrated Reasoning:-
i) In this section you would have 12 multi-part problems total.
ii) It consists of 4 problem types:- multi-source reasoning, table analysis, graphics interpretation, two- part analysis.
iii) It covers same quantitative concepts
iv) It tests your quant and verbal skills together.
v) Also , tests your ability to interpret and analyze graphs and tables.

4. Analytical writing :-
i) In this section you only have one problem (essay)
ii) You will be presented with brief argument in which you have to critique the author’s argument .
iii) It tests your logical and creative thinking.

1.Collect all your materials:- Gather all your study materials you need for your exam. Books, online videos, mock papers etc. Buy some GRE and GMAT books from the market and download official GRE and GMAT apps. You can also refer to online study materials which are easily available.
2.Build a strong vocabulary:- Again , the stronger the vocabulary the higher the score. Strengthening your vocabulary could help you score better in all the 3 sections of GRE. Read english books, novels, watch series,movies, listen to podcasts .
3.Take mock tests:- Practice mock tests as much as possible. It would be easy for you to understand the test format and pattern during the exam.
4.Give extra time for quantitative reasoning:- In both the tests quantitative reasoning is the most important section. give special attention and time to quantitative section . In this section it requires problem solving skills, basic mathematic and arithmetic skills. Focus more on practicing and storming your brain for this section.
5.Manage your time:- Managing your time during the test is bigger task itself. Lack of time management can make you miss out important questions and your score may drop. Practice as much as possible.

GMAT Exam Dates 2022:-
There is no proper fixed date for official GMAT exam 2022, you can choose any date according to your availability and convenience. Just in case if you need to retake the GMAT test you can do it after 16 days. You can take or retake the GMAT exam after every 16 days. Preferably , candidates are suggested to register two to three months before the actual exam date.
If you are registering online or by phone, you can get registered as late as 24 hours before the exam date. It is safer to go for early registration as you will have a proper set schedule to prepare for the exam accordingly. Even the coaching institutes will recommend you to register at the earliest available date so that you get a plenty of time to prepare for the exam.
GRE and GMAT official guide:-
Official website for test papers and format for (GRE) :-

Official website for test preparation for (GMAT):-