IELTS Band Scores: How they are calculated

IELTS band scores ranges from 0 to 9. Your IELTS band score might also be in.5 increments (for example 6.5,7.5).

The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is the most common English language proficiency test in the world for higher education and international migration.

IELTS Band Scores: How they are computed

The IELTS Band Scores Chart below explains the scoring to assist you in calculating and comprehending your score.

How the IELTS Band Scores are calculated

IELTS band scores range from 0 to 9. Your IELTS band score might also be in.5 increments (for example 6.5,7.5). The International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a test of all four of the core language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. We get a band score for each skill (Reading band score, Listening band score, Speaking band score, and Writing band score) and an overall band score. Consider the example in the table below.

.IELTS Listening and Reading Band Scores:
Your IELTS Listening band score and Reading band score are determined by how many of the 40 questions you answer correctly. You don’t lose points if you get an answer wrong.IELTS LISTENING SCORES:IELTS ACADEMIC READING SCORES:IELTS GENERAL TRAINING READING SCORES:IELTS Writing Assessment Criteria:Both writing tasks 1 and 2 are graded using four criteria. Please see the details below for more information on each criterion for scoring.IELTS Speaking Assessment Criteria:The IELTS speaking criteria are listed below.

Listening Reading Writing Speaking Overall
8 7.5 7 7.5 7.5

According to IELTS website, the overall IELTS band score is calculated to the nearest whole band score or 0.5 band score which indicates that the actual band score, as displayed in the table above, is not an exact 7.5. Your score is pushed to the nearest whole or half point, depending on which one is closest. Here are some examples of how this functions:

  • If you have a total score of 7.1, it will drop to 7. This is the closest score to a whole band. So, 7.1 is closer to 7 than 7.5 is.
  • If your computed overall score is 6.75, your ultimate result will be band 7. Therefore, 6.75 is closer to band 7 than to band 6.5.
  • If your cumulative score is 6.25, it will be raised to 6.5. The score of 6.25 falls perfectly between bands 6 and 6.5, so IELTS will round it up to the nearest band score, which is 6.5.
  • As stated above, your score is rounded up or down to the nearest half point or whole point. This information may be verified on the official website.

Descriptions of IELTS Band Scores:

In the following table, you’ll find an explanation of each band score, along with details regarding the minimum required level of English proficiency for band scores 5 to 9.

Brand Score English Level Description Keypoints
9 Expert User Has perfect grasp of the English language, is correct, appropriate, very flexible, fluent, and understands everything. 1. accurate
2.full understanding
8 Very Good User only occasionally makes mistakes (which are not systematic) or uses inappropriate language. able to handle in-depth discussion but rarely makes mistakes while dealing with complex problems. 1. rare errors
2.uses complex language well
7 Good User possesses a strong mastery of the English language but occasionally uses words improperly or inaccurately. Can speak in complex sentences and comprehends complex arguments well. 1.only occasional errors
2. uses complex language quite well in most situations
6 Competent User has a good command of English but occasionally makes mistakes, uses improper terms, or causes misunderstandings. can speak in complex sentences well, but works best in familiar settings. 1. some errors
2. use some complex language which is best in familiar situations
5 Modest User has rudimentary English proficiency and is able to deal with overall meaning Make lots of mistakes. has superior English in everyday circumstances. does not do well with difficult language. 1. frequent errors
2. has difficulties with complex language

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IELTS Listening and Reading Band Scores:

Your IELTS Listening band score and Reading band score are determined by how many of the 40 questions you answer correctly. You don’t lose points if you get an answer wrong.

Correct Answers Band Scores
39-40 9
37-38 8.5
35-36 8
32-34 7.5
30-31 7
26-29 6.5
23-25 6
18-22 5.5
16-17 5
13-15 4.5
11-12 4



40-39 9
38-37 8.5
36-35 8
34-33 7.5
32-30 7
29-27 6.5
26-23 6
22-19 5.5
18-15 5
14-13 4.5
12-10 4
9-8 3.5
7-6 3
5-4 2.5
Correct Answers Band Scores
40 9
39 8.5
37-38 8
36 7.5
34-35 7
32-33 6.5
30-31 6
27-29 5.5
23-26 5
19-22 4.5
15-18 4
12-14 3.5
9-11 3
6-8 2.5
IELTS Writing Assessment Criteria:

Both writing tasks 1 and 2 are graded using four criteria. Please see the details below for more information on each criterion for scoring.

Task Achievement (Task1) Presenting accurate information
Providing an overview
Highlighting key features / stages
Supporting detail with data
Task Response (Task2) Addressing the task (answering the questions)
Giving relevant main points which are supported & developed
Giving a clear position (stating an opinion when asked)
Providing a conclusion
Coherence and Cohesion Organising information / ideas into paragraphs
Having one central idea in each paragraph(T2)
Using a range of linking devices
Lexical Resource Using a range of words & paraphrasing
Using collocations
Avoid errors
IELTS Speaking Assessment Criteria:

The IELTS speaking criteria are listed below.

Grammar Range & Accurancy Using a range of sentence structures
Using a range of grammar tenses
Avoid errors
Fluency Talking at length
Talking without pauses or hesitations
Talking without self-correction
Able to be understood
Using linking devices
Lexical Resource Using a range o words & Paraphrasing
Using collocations
Using less common vocabulary
Avoiding errors
Grammar Range & Accurancy Using a range of sentence structures
Using a range of grammar tenses
Avoiding errors
Pronunciation Able to be understood throughout the test
Able to use intonation
Accent does not affect understanding
Accurate word and sound pronunciation