Masters in Germany

Study in Germany

When it comes to education, Germany stands apart from other countries with its unique system. One of the most notable differences is that a majority of the programs are conducted in Germany itself. Additionally, German students do not have to pay tuition fees as they are funded by the government. However, students are required to pay a nominal administration fee before each academic year. Private universities in Germany can be expensive, and the burden of paying the fees falls on the students. Admission to private universities is also relatively competitive as there are fewer of them compared to public universities.

Germany’s education system is based on a liberal law that ensures access to education for everyone, regardless of their financial status. This means that college tuition fees have been waived in some areas and reduced in others to make education more accessible to all.

In terms of the education itself, German education can be more theoretical than other systems, with a significant amount of time spent in classrooms taking theoretical lectures from professors. However, to balance the equation, students are required to prepare assignments and practical projects. Speeches are also an essential aspect of German education, with grades depending on a combination of all these factors.

Why Study in Germany?

Germany has emerged as one of the top destinations for international students seeking higher education abroad. With its highly regarded universities, top-notch academic programs, and world-renowned research facilities, it’s no surprise that so many students are drawn to studying in Germany.

Here are a few reasons why studying in Germany might be the right choice for you:
  • High-Quality Education: Germany is home to some of the best universities in the world, known for their academic excellence and rigorous curriculum. German universities are especially renowned for their programs in engineering, science, and technology, but they also offer a wide range of courses in other fields, such as business, economics, and humanities.
  • Affordable Tuition Fees: Compared to other popular study destinations like the US or the UK, studying in Germany is relatively affordable. Public universities in Germany offer free tuition to all students, including international students. Private universities also offer comparatively lower tuition fees, making it easier for students to pursue their academic goals without having to worry about financial constraints.
  • Diversity and Multiculturalism: Germany is a melting pot of cultures, with a large number of international students and a diverse population. This multicultural environment offers students a unique opportunity to learn and engage with people from different backgrounds, enriching their cultural understanding and personal growth.
  • Career Prospects: Graduates from German universities are highly sought after by employers around the world. Germany’s strong economy and thriving job market make it an attractive destination for students who want to build successful careers after graduation. Additionally, international students are allowed to stay in Germany for up to 18 months after graduation to search for employment, giving them ample time to find the right job.
  • Vibrant Student Life: Studying in Germany is not just about academics; it also offers an enriching and exciting student life. German universities have a vibrant social scene, with numerous student clubs and organizations, sports teams, and cultural events. Students can also take advantage of Germany’s central location in Europe to travel and explore different cultures and countries.
    Overall, studying in Germany offers students an exceptional academic experience, a multicultural environment, and a wide range of career opportunities. With its world-class universities and affordable education, Germany is an ideal destination for students seeking higher education abroad.

Education System in Germany:

In Germany, higher education is primarily provided by universities, technical universities, and universities of applied sciences. The education system is structured in a way that students can pursue undergraduate and graduate studies.

Here’s an overview of the education system for degree and masters in Germany:

1. Bachelor’s Degree:

The Bachelor’s degree is a three-year undergraduate program that provides students with a solid foundation in their chosen field of study. To pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Germany, students must have a secondary school leaving certificate or equivalent qualification. The language of instruction is primarily German, but some universities offer English-taught programs.

2. Master’s Degree:

After completing their Bachelor’s degree, students can pursue a two-year Master’s degree in Germany. This degree focuses on more specialized knowledge and prepares students for research or professional practice. To apply for a Master’s program, students must have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification. The language of instruction is primarily German, but many universities offer English-taught programs as well.

3. Doctorate Degree:

The Doctorate degree, also known as a Ph.D., is the highest academic degree in Germany. It usually takes three to five years to complete and involves conducting original research in a chosen field. To apply for a Doctorate degree, students must have a Master’s degree or equivalent qualification. The language of instruction is primarily German, but some universities offer English-taught programs as well.

Admission requirements:

To be admitted to a university or college in Germany, students must meet the following requirements:

1. Language Proficiency:

German is the primary language of instruction, so students must have a good command of the language to pursue their studies. Most universities require students to take the TestDaF (Test of German as a Foreign Language) or DSH (German Language University Entrance Examination) before applying.

2. Academic Qualifications:

To pursue a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in Germany, students must have a secondary school leaving certificate or equivalent qualification. For a Master’s degree, students must have a Bachelor’s degree or equivalent qualification.

3. Entrance Examinations:

Some universities require students to take entrance examinations to assess their academic abilities and suitability for the chosen program.

4. Tuition Fees:

In Germany, most universities do not charge tuition fees, but students are required to pay a semester fee that covers administrative costs, social services, and other charges.
In conclusion, the education system for degree and masters in Germany is structured to provide students with a solid foundation in their chosen field of study. The admission requirements are stringent, but the education system provides students with a high-quality education that prepares them for professional or research careers.
Top Universities in the Germany

Although public colleges are the most sought-after in the nation, getting into them is difficult. To be considered for admittance to public colleges in Germany, your application would need to demonstrate exceptional academic achievement and a certificate of German language proficiency.

Candidates have the option of attending private universities in Germany that offer an equal standard of education but a simpler admissions procedure.

Below mentioned are the top 10 universities in Germany:

Top Courses in Germany

While there are many programmes in Germany for students who want to study overseas. But Germany is frequently referred to as the epicentre of technical education. Germany’s technical colleges are among the world’s top institutions for studying engineering.

In Germany, popular shows include:
  • Computer Science and Information Technology (IT)
  • Engineering Studies
  • Social Sciences
  • Management Studies
  • Humanities and creative arts

Cost of Studying in Germany:

Private university enrollments must pay tuition expenses, whereas public university enrollments in Germany are funded by the government.

Candidates who choose to enrol in public universities in Germany would be required to pay between 300 and 500 euros per semester at the beginning of each semester.Private higher education institutions with comparable quality will charge a higher tuition rate for their degrees.

Cost of studying in Germany by University

University Cost of studying in Germany
Public University EUR 300-500 /Semester
Private University 12,000 – 15,000 euros/year

Cost of studying in Germany by Course

Popular Courses Cost of studying in Germany
MBA INR 13.12 Lakhs
MA INR 1.00 Lakh
BTech INR 1.50 Lakhs
BSc INR 80.0K

Cost of Living in Germany

Housing, food, apparel, and recreational activities are typically included in the definition of living expenses. Each year, based on the prevailing economic conditions and the relevant fee structure, each university requests a monthly stipend to cover the student’s living expenses in the country as well as his educational expenses; this money is deposited into a Blocked Account.

Considering the rate of inflation, the minimum quantity required in the Blocked Account to study in Germany as of September 2022 is €11,172 per year or €931 per month. This would include rent, transportation, food, apparel, learning materials, health insurance, telephone, Internet, radio and television licence fees, and leisure activities.

German Study Visa

If you intend to remain in Germany as a student for more than 90 days, you must obtain a residence permit or a German Study Visa. A German Student Visa costs €75, which is paid for in INR. However, the visa processing time can vary based on a number of factors. If all of your documents are in order, it may take up to 25 days for your application to be processed.

In some instances, you may be required to submit additional documentation, which can extend the processing time by up to 12 weeks. To avoid any delays, it is advisable to submit all required documents at once.

Student visa requirements for Germany

You will have to apply for your German Student Visa in person. Visa fees amount to €75 (to be paid in INR). In addition, you should provide two sets of application documents containing the following documents:

  • Valid passport
  • Copy of your passport’s information page (A4 size copy)
  • Application form
  • A declaration stating the information provided is true and complete information
  • APS Certificate: Mandatory component November 2022 onwards
  • Cover Letter explaining the reason for your visa application. You may be required to submit a German translation of this document.
  • Letter of Admission from a German University
  • University Certificates and transcripts – Degree certificates and mark sheets
  • Proof of Language Proficiency (German language test scores). Applicants for PhD studies and Erasmus Mundus Scholarship holders are exempt from this rule.
  • Proof of funds
  • 3 passport pictures according to biometric specifications, not older than 6 months
  • Demand Draft for the Student Visa Fee

German Permanent Residence Permit

Once a candidate has discovered a job he wishes to accept, he is required to apply for a work permit using the ‘Job Seeking Visa’ he previously obtained. The applicant may reside in Germany while their application is being processed. Moreover, if the candidate wishes to reside permanently in Germany (PR in Germany), he or she can apply for a “EU Blue Card” – Residence Permit as early as two years after receiving a work permit. The EU Blue Card is a permit for permanent residence in European countries.

However, if the candidate applies for an EU Blue Card, he will be permitted to reside and work in any EU state. To be eligible to apply for an EU Blue Card, the applicant must be offered an employment paying at least €53,000 ($57,844) annually, or €41,808 ($45,629) annually for mathematicians, engineers, natural scientists, technicians, or physicians. As part of the admissions process, applicants are advised to consult the foreign residents’ registration office for guidance on which permit to apply for and what documents they will need.

Scholarships to study in Germany:

Universities may also offer merit-based scholarships as a means for applicants to reduce their tuition costs. However, students will be required to demonstrate an exceptional academic record in order to receive a scholarship of greater value.

The German Academic Exchange Service, or DAAD, is one of the most common sources of funding for study in Germany. In addition to assisting you in selecting a suitable college, the organisation provides a variety of scholarship opportunities based on your chosen discipline or field of study. Below mentioned are the top 10 scholarships you can check if you are planning to go to this university:

List of the top 10 scholarships to study in Germany :

Part-Time Work Options for International Students in Germany

International students studying in Germany will be permitted to work a total of 120 full days or 240 half days per year. During the semester, a student may not work more than 20 hours per week. During the summer break, however, students can work full-time. The option for international students to work part-time in Germany is included with the German Study Visa and does not require a separate application. Starting in January 2022, the minimum wage in Germany will be €12 per hour.

Popular Job Sectors in Germany

The German economy is expected to expand by 4.1% in 2022 and 2.4% in 2023, according to a comprehensive report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development. (OECD). Even though the effects of the pandemic have been severe, we can still anticipate a prosperous future in the job market.

Top sectors in Germany for Indian graduates:
  • Building & Construction Sector
  • Electrical and Electronics Industry
  • Health Sector and Medicine
  • Information Technology and Telecommunications
  • Mechanical and Automotive Sector

Study in Germany FAQs

1. What is the language of instruction in German universities?

The language of instruction in German universities is mostly German. However, many universities offer courses in English, especially at the postgraduate level.

2. What are the accommodation options for international students in Germany?

International students in Germany can choose from various accommodation options such as student dormitories, shared apartments, and private rooms. Some universities also offer on-campus housing facilities.

3. What are the job prospects for international students in Germany after graduation?

Germany has a strong economy and a low unemployment rate, making it an attractive destination for international graduates. Many multinational companies are based in Germany, providing ample job opportunities for graduates.

Additionally, graduates can also apply for a job-seeking visa, which allows them to stay in Germany for up to 18 months after graduation to look for a job.